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The world's most advanced nootropic formula.

The Ingredients.

Mind Lab Pro® v4.0 is the most innovative and effective nootropic formula ever made.

We've partnered with world leaders in nutrition technology. Scouring the globe to source the cleanest, most potent and sustainable ingredients. With no compromise on quality.

Intelligently blending 11 research-backed nootropics - in precise dosages and advanced forms - to complement each other. Making Mind Lab Pro® v4.0 more than the sum of its parts.

We are happy for you to know exactly what goes into every capsule. That's why ALL ingredients and dosages are shown on the label.

Mind Lab Pro Supplement Facts Label

Dr. Ramon Velazquez, Ph.D. talks about the formulation strategy behind Mind Lab Pro® v4.0.

Learn about a specific ingredient:

Citicoline 250 mg

Mind Lab Pro®’s citicoline delivers benefits for brain energy, mental performance and memory backed by multiple human clinical trials.

  • Icon Neural Regeneration
  • Icon Cerebral Circulation
  • Icon Neuroprotection
  • Icon Energgy Metabolism
  • Neurotransmitters

Citicoline has been shown to boost brain cell membrane formation by 26% and brain energy by 13.6%.

Brain Bioactivities:
Citicoline helps energize brain cells, while optimizing the neural electrical impulses that power all thought. Citicoline also helps synthesize phosphatidylcholine (PC), the major phospholipid found in brain cell membranes. In combining brain energy + phospholipid synthesis, citicoline may be uniquely qualified for the intensive task of brain cell regeneration and repair. Citicoline also supports neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine, while supplying brain-protective antioxidant activity.

Potential Nootropic Benefits:
Energizes and enhances mental performance without the crash of stimulants. Citicoline has been shown in human research to promote mood balance, memory, attention, focus and concentration. Long-term, it may help maintain healthy brain function against age-related structural changes and mental decline.

Citicoline Graph
Al-Kuraishy, H. M., & Al-Gareeb, A. I. (2020). Research paper: Citicoline improves human vigilance and visual working memory: The role of neuronal activation and oxidative stress. Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, 11(4), 423–432. https://doi.org/10.32598/bcn.11.4.1097.1
Test Description Placebo (%) Citicoline (%)
TRT (ms) Total Reaction Time -0.712 -25.91
RRT(ms) Recognition Reaction Time -0.642 -11.44
MRT(ms) Movement Reaction Time -0.849 -59.44
CFFA(Hz) Critical Fusion Frequency 2.55 16.45
CFFD(Hz) Critical Flicker Frequency -4.96 -5.56
WM-1 (%) Working Memory one-back 5.411 10.3
WM-2 (%) Working Memory two-back 3.352 40.32
WM-3 (%) Working Memory three-back 6.785 23.7

Table 1: Taken from (Al-Kuraishy & Al-Gareeb, 2020)

Phosphatidylserine (PS) 100 mg as Sharp PS® Green from Sunflower Lecithin

Mind Lab Pro®'s Sharp Ps® Green is a soy-free, non-GMO, eco-friendly phosphatidylserine derived from sunflower lecithin.

  • Icon Neural Regeneration
  • Icon Neuroprotection
  • Icon Energgy Metabolism
  • Neurotransmitters

Phospholipids like PS decline in the brain with age, along with many measures of cognitive performance.

Brain Bioactivities:
PS is a phospholipid compound that comprises 15% of the brain's fats. It is concentrated in brain cell membranes, where it helps maintain fluidity, optimizes receptors and promotes neurotransmitters like acetylcholine and dopamine. It supports brain cell energy production by enhancing glucose metabolism. It may increase nerve growth factor (NGF) to support brain cell creation, maintenance and repair. PS also helps immune cells dispose of damaged, toxic brain cells — sparing neighboring brain cells from collateral damage.

Potential Nootropic Benefits:
PS may sharpen memory, slow cognitive decline and promote a positive-minded outlook. It has shown promise for helping elderly subjects with brain degeneration — apparently slowing the progression of memory loss while helping with mood, anxiety, socialization and mental clarity. As a result PS is the only nootropic with an FDA-qualified claim for reducing cognitive decline risk.

Phosphatidylserine (PS) Graph
Söderberg M, et al. J Neurochem. 1990 Feb;54(2):415-23l; http://ns.umich.edu/Releases/2001/Aug01/r081301a.html
Phosphatidylserine (PS) Graph
Söderberg M, et al. J Neurochem. 1990 Feb;54(2):415-23l; http://ns.umich.edu/Releases/2001/Aug01/r081301a.html

Bacopa Monnieri 150 mg
Full-spectrum extract

Mind Lab Pro®'s 24% bacosides Bacopa monnieri supplies the herb's 9 most active nootropic bacoside compounds.

  • Icon Neural Regeneration
  • Icon Neuroprotection
  • Neurotransmitters

Mind Lab Pro®'s Bacopa monnieri has been shown to enhance delayed recall memory, immediate recall memory and learning in clinical research.

Brain Bioactivities:
Bacopa's active bacosides are antioxidants that enhance other brain antioxidants, including superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx). This synergistic antioxidant activity helps protect brain cells from the age-accelerating effects of free radicals. Bacosides also promote acetylcholine, GABA and serotonin — all brain chemicals tied to focused thinking, clear memory and healthy mood.

Potential Nootropic Benefits:
Bacopa has strong ties to memory performance and a long association with new learning and retention. Human research shows Bacopa may slow the rate of forgetting newly acquired knowledge. Researchers have also suggested it may accelerate mental processing, optimize cognition under stress and promote relaxation.

Bacopa Monnieri Memory Graph
Barbhaiya et al., J. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 2008, 3: 425-434
Bacopa Monnieri Recall Graph
Morgan and Stevens. J Altern Complement Med., 2010, 16 : 753-759
Bacopa Monnieri Learning Graph
Morgan and Stevens. J Altern Complement Med., 2010, 16 : 753-759

Organic Lion's Mane Mushroom 500 mg

Mind Lab Pro's organic Lion's Mane (mycelium and fruit) supplies all of the mushroom's active constituents, including brain-boosting hericenones and erinacines.

  • Icon Neural Regeneration
  • Icon Neuroprotection

Lion's Mane Mushroom (Yamabushitake) has been linked to significant cognitive improvements that declined after supplementation stopped.

Brain Bioactivities:
A unique mushroom that supports brain health, Lion's Mane supplies active nootropics called hericenones and erinacines. Clinical research suggests Lion's Mane stimulates Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) production, which may help with neural regeneration and myelin nerve sheath synthesis. Optimized NGF may support brain plasticity for storage of new learning and memories, as well as promoting robust brain cell replication and healthy brain cell membrane function.

Potential Nootropic Benefits:
A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial linked Lion's Mane Mushroom to significant cognitive improvements in adults aged 50-80 with mild cognitive impairment. Clinical trial researchers have also suggested that Lion's Mane may help to maintain mood balance.

Lion's Mane Mushroom Graph
Mori K, et al. Phytother Res. 2009 Mar;23(3):367-72.

Maritime Pine Bark Extract 75 mg

Mind Lab Pro® uses the strongest pine bark form on the market today: Standardized for a minimum of 95% active nootropic proanthocyanidins.

  • Icon Neural Regeneration
  • Icon Cerebral Circulation
  • Icon Neuroprotection
  • Icon Energgy Metabolism

Maritime pine trees adapted to their salty, windswept environment by developing a powerful protective antioxidant complex in their bark.

Brain Bioactivities:
Supplies a potent complex of proanthocyanidin antioxidants that can cross the blood-brain barrier and help to neutralize the damaging effects of toxic free radicals that are concentrated in the brain. Pine bark extract's proanthocyanidins also signal for the release of nitric oxide (NO) — which relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow to the brain — enhancing delivery of brain-energizing oxygen and glucose. The bark's additional proanthocyanidin bioactivities combine to provide multi-pathway brain regeneration support that has been suggested to help reverse age-related cognitive decline.

Potential Nootropic Benefits:
Pine bark extract's proanthocyanidin compounds are suggested to enhance mental energy, attention, learning and focus in the short-term; as well as maintain memory, mental clarity and brain health in later years.

L-Tyrosine 175 mg as
N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine (NALT)

Mind Lab Pro®'s N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is the best form for brain health — easy to absorb and bioavailable — it delivers more nootropic activity than plain Tyrosine.

  • Icon Neuroprotection
  • Icon Neural Regeneration

L-Tyrosine was found to enhance mental performance with greater benefits recorded as tasks progressed from easier (1-BACK) to more difficult (2-BACK).

Brain Bioactivities:
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid compound used to synthesize catecholamine neurotransmitters involved in memory, mood and mental processing – including dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. Clinical research suggests L-Tyrosine may counter the impact of brain stress; potentially helping to support synthesis of neurotransmitters that are depleted by high-pressure thinking.

Potential Nootropic Benefits:
Human clinical research has suggested L-Tyrosine may help to promote working memory under multitasking conditions and optimize mental performance under high stress, fatigue and sleep deprivation. In addition to its reputation as a nootropic for maintaining mental performance under stress L-Tyrosine has recently drawn academic interest for its nootropic ability to optimize attention and focus.

(WM monitoring updating)
Placebo TYR
1 - Back
Reaction times (ms) 494 (14.9) 462 (11.3)
Hits (%) 90.5 (1.5) 92.3 (1.5)
Correct rejections (%) 95.6 (0.8) 95.8 (0.6)
False alarms (%) 4.4 (0.8) 4.2 (0.6)
Misses (%) 9.5 (1.5) 7.7 (1.5)
2 - Back
Reaction times (ms) 567 (20.1) 520 (16.5)
Hits (%) 82.8 (2.8) 88.2 (1.7)
Correct rejections (%) 89.6 (1.6) 94.3 (1.0)
False alarms (%) 10.9 (1.5) 6.7 (1.1)
Misses (%) 17.2 (2.8) 11.8 (1.7)

Significant differences between the two conditions; *p<0.05. SE are shown within parentheses.

L-Theanine 100 mg as Suntheanine®

Mind Lab Pro®'s Suntheanine® is a premium form that supplies 100% pure L-Theanine.

  • Icon Neuroprotection
  • Icon Brain Waves
  • Neurotransmitters

Suntheanine® has been shown in human clinical research to enhance alpha brainwaves.

Brain Bioactivities:
L-Theanine helps to increase the activity of alpha brainwaves, which are associated with a state of wakeful relaxation and enhanced creativity. It seems to settle excitable neurotransmitters while promoting calming neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and GABA. L-Theanine has been suggested by researchers to modulate the brain's 'attention circuitry.' It may also protect neurons from damage, potentially helping to maintain clear thinking during the aging process.

Potential Nootropic Benefits:
L-Theanine may instill a state of calm, relaxed tranquillity while simultaneously sharpening attention, alertness and focus. It is used for studying, new learning, creative problem solving, art and other tasks that require quiet contemplation. L-Theanine also helps to reduce the harsh jittery side effects of caffeine.

L-Theanine shows nootropic promise in numerous human clinical trials.

L-Theanine Dose Subjects & Design Advantages
L-Theanine 50 mg, L-Theanine 200 mg 8 Female university students) (age: 18-22 y),
placebo-controlled, three-way crossover trial
Reported dose-dependent increase in alpha activity in occipital and parietal brain areas 30 min after consumption of L-Theanine compared with placebo.
L-Theanine 200 mg 20 healthy males (age range 18-30 y),
L-Theanine increased alpha brain wave activity in the occipital area, compared with placebo, among those with higher reported anxiety (p<0.05)
L-Theanine 50 mg 35 healthy young participants, randomized,
Compared with placebo on EEG at 45, 60, 75, 90, and 105 min after ingestion, L-Theanine 50 mg produced greater and increasing alpha activity (p<0.05)
L-Theanine 250 mg 15 participants (mean age 27.8 y),
Attention-related alpha activity was greater and background alpha reduced for the L-Theanine condition compared with placebo (significant attention modulation index, (p<0.05)

Bryan J. Nutr Rev. 2008 Feb;66(2):82-90.

Rhodiola Rosea 50 mg

Mind Lab Pro®'s Rhodiola rosea is standardized for a minimum 3% rosavins and 1% salidrosides; ensuring effective levels of active nootropics in each capsule.

  • Icon Neuroprotection
  • Neurotransmitters
  • Icon Energgy Metabolism

Rhodiola rosea has been linked to dose-dependent mental energy benefits in human clinical research.

Brain Bioactivities:
Rhodiola rosea is believed to stimulate and sustain cognition-critical neurotransmitters — including norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. It may further optimize these neurotransmitters by helping their transport across the blood-brain barrier. Rhodiola rosea has acetylcholine-protective and antioxidant properties that may help with age-related decline. Most notably, Rhodiola rosea strengthens mental resistance to stress by blunting the release of stress hormones including cortisol. Research suggests Rhodiola rosea's nootropic effects begin within 30 minutes and may last for up to six hours.

Potential Nootropic Benefits:
As a herbal Adaptogen, Rhodiola rosea helps strengthen mental + physical stress resistance while supporting brain energy — promoting clear, calm thinking under taxing conditions. Rhodiola rosea is traditionally used to enhance mental processing, memory, learning, attention span, mood and work capacity. It also gained fame as a legal performance-enhancer among Russian Olympic biathletes and powerlifters.

Rhodiola rosea graph
Shevtsov VA, et al. Phytomedicine. 2003 Mar;10(2-3):95-105.

B6 2.5 mg, B9 100 mcg,
B12 7.5 mcg

Mind Lab Pro's NutriGenesis® nature-identical nutrients supply bioavailable forms of B12, B6 and B9 to unlock the full nootropic potential of B-vitamins. B-vitamins are crucial for brain health. Some inferior supplemental forms are not absorbed and utilized effectively.

  • Icon Neural Regeneration
  • Icon Cerebral Circulation
  • Icon Neuroprotection
  • Icon Energgy Metabolism

Mind Lab Pro®'s B6 + B9 + B12 reduces homocysteine — thereby promoting brain chemical synthesis and blood flow to the brain.

Brain Bioactivities:
All B-vitamins contribute to brain health but most research focuses on B6, B9 and B12 — due to their key role in homocysteine metabolism. High homocysteine levels and suboptimal B6, B9 and B12 intake are interconnected and modifiable risk factors for brain degeneration, cerebrovascular concerns, mood imbalance and cognitive decline. Supplemental B6 + B9 + B12 has been shown to help balance homocysteine levels in a healthy range associated with sharp overall mental performance.

Potential Nootropic Benefits:
Mind Lab Pro®'s B6 + B9 + B12 targets homocysteine as a synergistic trio, helping with mental performance concerns related to cognitive decline, brain aging, and poor blood flow to the brain. Vitamins B6 + B9 + B12 have also been shown to promote mood balance, mental energy, information storage and long-range brain health.

B6 + B9 + B12 also supports brain health by:

  • Promoting production of monoamines.
  • Optimizing chemical conversion and utilization.
  • Catalyzing brain-energy metabolism.
  • Maintaining the mood-balancing brain protector S-Adenosyl Methionine (SAMe).
  • Promoting the production of myelin — the fatty sheath that surrounds and protects all brain cells and nerves.

*NutriGenesis® nature-identical vitamins and minerals are lab-grown via dual-organism cultivation; producing a complex of absorption-enhancing cofactors.

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Mind Lab Pro® - Our story

The MLP story.
So far...

Mind Lab Pro® started life in 2015. The year of the 'smart drug'.

We'd heard the hype coming out of Silicon Valley. We'd seen the movie Limitless.

But we were wise to the downsides...

The hangovers. The crashes. The burnout. The dangerous mega doses. The mysterious 'proprietary blends'.

Our mission was to create something superior. Cleaner. Smarter.

Mind Lab Pro® - Our story

Something that matched our limitless ambitions. But with no nasty side effects.

And we've been using it every day since.

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of the game.

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MLP® v4.0 has been subjected to rigorous double-blind, placebo-controlled human trials. Conducted by the University of Leeds in the UK.

The first study was conducted independently and published in the Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. A peer-reviewed publisher of ground breaking innovation and research.

A second study - funded by Performance Lab® Group (MLP® parent company) focused on memory. It has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication in Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental.

A third study is in preparation stage, which will utilize EEG brain mapping technology.

University of Leeds Logo

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